Conservation Planning
The planning of conservation actions is a fundamental component of any process aimed at the protection and sustainable use of nature. At FCM, we base our conservation planning on the Open Standards methodology, a set of adapted tools designed to plan strategies and actions based on conservation targets and their principal threats. This method is widely utilized both nationally and internationally.
Within this framework, we have spearheaded the planning of long-term conservation processes, such as the Conservation Plan for Migratory Shorebirds in Chiloé, the Conservation Plan for the Maullín Wetlands, as well as other documents intended to serve as the foundation for the management of protected areas, including:
Management Plan for the Maullín River Wetlands Nature Sanctuary
Management Plan for the Curaco de Vélez Bay Nature Sanctuary
Management Plan for the Quinchao Bay Nature Sanctuary
Conservation Plan to accompany the ECMPO application for Desertores Islands-Coast Chaitén
Planning documents to reinforce conservation in sites within the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) in Maullín, Coihuín, and Huito, in the Tenth Region of Los Lagos
Members of the FCM team are certified Open Standards coaches and have supported planning processes in Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Cuba, and Argentina. They have also led participatory planning processes for the midcontinental flyway of migratory shorebirds and the Caribbean section of the Pacific flyway.